Customize your online community
This plugin allows you to search the JomSocial videos through the standard Joomla! search.
Traduccion spanish internacional, de JomSocial 1.6.290, Descomprima el paquete ZIP en su equipo, tendra dos carpeta en su interior una con el idioma es_Es de la parte de administarcion identificadada (admin) y la otra (Site) con la traduccion del sitio ...
sh404SEF is the most popular extension for creating and customizing search engine friendly (SEF) URLs in Joomla. sh404SEF natively supports JomSocial (no extra plugins required) to produce intuitive, human-readable URLs and in addition also hardens secur ...
We are proud to announce the release of our JomSocial Discussions Search Plugin for Joomla! and JomSocial. What it does? It includes the discussions in the global Joomla! Search (com_search). The plugin is part of StyleWare's willingness to support J ...
This plugin allows you to search your photos in JomSocial with the built-in search engine of Joomla! (com_search). It searches not only the photo titles, but also the comments under the photo. The plugin is part of our development over the BizWeb te ...
Traduccion spanish internacional, de JomSocial 1.6.288, Descomprima el paquete ZIP en su equipo, tendra dos carpeta en su interior una con el idioma es_Es de la parte de administarcion identificadada (admin) y la otra (Site) con la traduccion del si ...
This is the Spanish (Mexican) language file for JS 1.6.289, to install it you need to upload it via FTP to /language/es-ES If you already have a old version, you need to delete it first or overwrite it It only includes the SITE language, admin not i ...
This translation is based on the version JomSocial 1.6.287. demo site is
Hello, here is the latest swedish language file for version 1.6.285 Remember to change the filename to sv-SE.com_community.ini after download. (I.e: delete the version number.)
Hi Guys, here comes the first and only translation of jomsocial to Swedish, this version is 1.6.254. but works without problems for jomsocial v 1.5.248 ;) Dont hestitate to contact me if you have any questions.
This JomSocial Plugin lets you add an unlimited number of menus by simply pointing to a Joomla menu. Usage is real simple. The plugin has a configuration option for you to tell it which Joomla menu id to use. I recommend just making a new menu for JomS ...
Ovo je prevod za JomSocial 1.5238. Prevod je za jezik koji se koristi na području Srbije, Hrvatske, Crne Gore i Bosne i Hercegovine. For the language spoken in the former Yugoslav republics: Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro.
Informal spanish (Neutral) UTF-8. Frontend file only. Just unzip file and upload it via ftp.
We have just released a new Jomsocial application. A customizable Server Message application. The admin can basically set this application as core, ( looks good if jomsocial application order is changed - so this is at the top ) The application w ...
We have just released a new application - Skypeme. This application allows users to input a nickname for themselves, And their Skype Username. The application will then Display their Skype status, And a message telling people their username. The us ...
SIMAnswers is the complete Questions and Answers solution for Joomla. Many Q&A extensions claim to work like Yahoo Answers, but only SIMAnswers works in *exactly* the same way as Yahoo Answers, down to the last detail! - HTML5, Bootstrap, responsive de ...
Informal Spanish (castellano). Nota que es español informal, traducción a la mexicana. UTF-8.